Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Surgery Complete

I just spoke with Steph and Caitlyn's surgery is behind her.

Steph briefly got to see Caitlyn after her surgery was complete and now has to wait a half an hour until she is transferred to ICU. Caitlyn is still coming out of Anesthesia and was not awake yet. The doctor said the surgery went well and he feels that he got all of the tumor out. He did say that Caitlyn lost a lot of blood for her age and had to have a blood transfusion. We will not know the results of the tumor for a week.

I just want to reiterate on behalf of Stephanie, Matt and their families how much your prayers and support have helped them get through today. Please keep them coming. I will update everyone once I know more.

Love, Mikkel


  1. Have been praying for you guys all day. I am thrilled to hear the surgery is over. Will continue to pray for healthy recovery and that her body will accept the new blood from the transfusion. Stay Strong! We Love your family!
    With Hope,
    Jessi, Isaac and Charlee Sue :)

  2. Our prayers will never stop coming their way... I am so glad that part is behind her and now for healing.....

  3. I am so glad to hear that the surgery went well, at least that part is in the past and its a new road to recovery! Like I said before Caitlyn is strong willed so she will recovery quickly! Much love to you all and I am always here if you need anything! The Kinkades

  4. We are so glad to hear that the surgery is over. We will continue to keep Caitlyn and her family in our prayers. Caitlyn is an amazing girl.
    The Davis Family

  5. So happy to hear she is through the surgery! We are continuing to pray and send Caitlyn and The Neelys positive thoughts!
    Kristen Potter Westlake

  6. Sending much love & prayers your way!
    Your family is all so beautiful, and know you are graced with infinite strength, love & support from God & all those who love you~~
    May Caitlyn's recovery be swift! and hope you all are able to rest now that the surgery is over...sending you peace, light & healing energy!
    Blessed Be!


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