Saturday, November 21, 2009

Posting A Comment

I have heard from many of you the difficulty of posting a comment on this site. I wanted to take the time to give some detailed steps to be able to do so.

1. Go to the site and click on "sign in" in the upper right hand corner.
a. If you have a Google account (ie: gmail), enter in your information. Once you post your comment, click the drop down arrow next to Comment As and select Google account.
b. If you do not have a Google account, click on Create Blog.
1. Enter in an EXISTING email address (ie: yahoo, hotmail, etc.) it does not have to be a Google email address.
2. Create a password, and follow the rest of the instructions.
3. The next page asks you to name your blog. However if you are just planning on using this account to post comments, select "skip this and create a blog later".
4. This brings you to your "dashboard".
5. Add Caitlyn's blog at the bottom.

Now when you go to the blog, sign in and post your comment as Google Account.

Please, please post comments for Caitlyn and the family. I know that Steph was able to read a few of them and it helped bring a smile to her day.

Thank you,



  1. Message from Victoria to Caitlyn...... <3 sup caitlyn.hope you are doing good and you eat lots of cpk not kpc or pck, but pancakes do sound good. I'm still waering the shirt and it has been cleaned. so when i see you it won't smell to bad k.i am going to play on your pirates of the caribbean for you. so i can kill this cadit that killed me and it was a level 20 so your person can take care of it. lulu was he asked if you were coming on today and i siad no he was very sad he misses you so much you guys are awsome friends on the game, but not as awsome as me. can't wait to see you and elizabeth locksliver again. <3

  2. All my friends, family, and facebook friends are praying for you all. I also know that much of our Desert Sands family is praying, as well. My students are currently working on their required service learning projects and some are working for Caitlyn!! You all do what you need to do there and we will continue to lift you up!!

    Love and Hugs,


  3. LOVE Victoria's post! So great! We are especially thankful for This week for the Neelys! The love that you show and and your strength and belief makes us want to be better at everything we do! Way to go, Neelys! Keep fighting believing and the progress will come! We love you! Xoxo


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.